The following list includes the most common reasons why people become sexually unfaithful to their spouse. The list is not presented in order to excuse of justify bad behavior and decisions. Rather, those who are committed to their marriage can use this information as a tool for self-examination. By becoming aware of the social, cognitive and emotional issues that can lead to infidelity one can be better prepared to deal with potential latent symptoms in one’s own life. By so doing, you can find a way to work through personal issues while remaining faithful to your mate.
Reasons for Sexual Infidelity
- sexual attraction
- gratification of unmet sexual needs
- gratification of unmet psychological needs (i.e. intellectual sharing, nurturing, understanding, companionship, respect)
- gratification of unmet social needs (i.e. mating with someone of a higher social status)
- as a bridge to escape an unsatisfactory marriage
- to fulfill a need to conquer or to dominate the opposite sex
- for power or control issues
- to fulfill a need for love or to culminate an already supposed loving relationship
- to fulfill extraordinary sexual drive or sexual compulsion
- for purposes of revenge
- as a result of alcohol, drug related or other impulse control problems or disorders
- as a result of liberal sexual values
- as a result of opportunity (e.g., job-related travel, physical separation from a spouse, frequent contact with potential partners)